Brainclinics TMS Certification Course & Masterclass
Join for an exciting once yearly Brainclinics Foundation event, the TMS Masterclass & TMS Certification Course in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. On April 12-14, the course will take you from the basics of TMS and Brain Stimulation on day 1, to exciting new developments in the field of Brain Stimulation and TMS with world-renowned speakers on day 2 and 3. We’re excited to welcome a great line-up of keynote speakers who will share with you their latest insights and research, including Shan Siddiqi, Odile A. van den Heuvel, Jonathan Downar and Martijn Figee. Topics that will be covered are circuit-based Brain Stimulation and TMS, new clinical indications of TMS including OCD, alternative coil positions, accelerated TMS and iTBS, precision TMS, stratified psychiatry and TMS induced heart-brain coupling/NCG-TMS.
The full three days fulfil the required blueprint of the Dutch Hersenstimulatie Stichting for TMS Certification, and the 2 or 3 days qualify for continuing education credits for recertification. The masterclass (day 2 & 3) has been awarded 13 points and the certification course (all 3 days) 20 points.
Accreditation with the NVvP and FGzPt has been requested.
Event has limited availability, so sign up below and enjoy the early bird discount until January 31st 2023.